

今さら聞けないGoogle Cloud SDKとすべてのコンポーネントを最新バージョンに更新する方法

Google Cloud SDKとすべてのコンポーネントを最新バージョンに更新する方法

  • ターミナルで
gcloud components update


Your current Cloud SDK version is: 225.0.0
You will be upgraded to version: 230.0.0

│            These components will be updated.             │
│               Name              │  Version   │    Size   │
│ BigQuery Command Line Tool      │     2.0.39 │   < 1 MiB │
│ Cloud Datastore Emulator        │      2.0.3 │  18.3 MiB │
│ Cloud SDK Core Libraries        │ 2019.01.11 │   9.3 MiB │
│ Cloud Storage Command Line Tool │       4.35 │   3.6 MiB │
│ gcloud app Java Extensions      │     1.9.71 │ 107.5 MiB │
│ gcloud app Python Extensions    │     1.9.81 │   6.2 MiB │
│ gcloud cli dependencies         │ 2019.01.04 │   2.4 MiB │

The following release notes are new in this upgrade.
Please read carefully for information about new features, breaking changes,
and bugs fixed.  The latest full release notes can be viewed at:

230.0.0 (2019-01-15)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ **(App Engine)**
      ▪ **(App Engine)** Fixed a bug where symlinked directories were skipped
        on source upload. Second Generation runtimes and source directories
        using .gcloudignore now upload the contents of symlinked directories,
        matching the behavior of First Generation runtimes. To explicitly skip
        a symlinked directory, add it to .gcloudignore.
      ▪ **(Cloud Functions)**
      ▪ **(Cloud Functions)** Fixed a bug where symlinked directories were
        skipped on source upload. To explicitly skip a symlinked directory, add
        it to .gcloudignore.
      ▪ **(Cloud SQL)** Made the flags --region, --gce-zone, and --zone
        mutually exclusive for the command gcloud sql instances create.
      ▪ **(Cloud SQL)** Deprecated the creation of First Generation Cloud SQL
        instances, adding a warning and confirmation prompt to gcloud sql
        instances create.

  Cloud Build
      ▪ Released cloud-build-local v0.5.0; see release notes

  Cloud SQL
      ▪ Added the flag --zone to gcloud sql instances create as an
        alternative to --gce-zone, which is now deprecated.
      ▪ Deprecated First Generation Cloud SQL instances, adding warnings to
        gcloud sql instances <describe|patch>.

  Cloud Scheduler
      ▪ Added support for all of App Engine's regions to Cloud Scheduler.

  Compute Engine
      ▪ Promoted <get|set>-iam-policy and <add|remove>-iam-policy-bindings to
        GA in the following command groups:
        ◆ gcloud compute instances
        ◆ gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-templates
        ◆ gcloud compute sole-tenancy node-groups
      ▪ Promoted --boot flag of gcloud compute instances attach-disk to GA.
      ▪ Deprecated --auto-create-routes flag of gcloud alpha compute networks
        peerings create in Beta.
      ▪ Promoted gcloud compute networks peerings update command to Beta.
      ▪ Promoted import-custom-routes and export-custom-routes flags to Beta
        in gcloud compute networks peerings create command.
      ▪ Deprecated and renamed the following --shielded-vm- flags:
        ◆ --shielded-vm-secure-boot as --shielded-secure-boot
        ◆ --shielded-vm-vtpm as --shielded-vtpm
        ◆ --shielded-vm-integrity-monitoring as
        ◆ --shielded-vm-learn-integrity-policy as

  Firebase Test Lab
      ▪ Deprecated the --app-package and --test-package flags in gcloud
        firebase test android run commands; the application and test package
        names will be parsed from the APK manifest by default.
      ▪ Removed three robo test args that were deprecated 6+ months ago:
        --max-steps, --max-depth, and --app-initial-activity.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

229.0.0 (2019-01-08)
  App Engine
      ▪ Updated the Python SDK to version 1.9.81. Please visit the following
        release notes for details:
      ▪ Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.71. Please visit the following
        release notes for details:

      ▪ Added gcloud bq command group to alpha.
        ◆ Added initial support for creating and managing datasets, tables
          and jobs.

  Cloud Build
      ▪ Updated cloud-build-local to 0.4.3. For details, see

      ▪ Added properties builds/use_kaniko and builds/kaniko_cache_ttl to
        control use of Kaniko
        (<>) when using --tag.
      ▪ Added --no-cache flag to disable layer caching when using Kaniko with
        --tag. This is only valid if the builds/use_kaniko flag is True.

  Cloud Datastore Emulator
      ▪ Release Cloud Datastore Emulator version 2.0.3
        ◆ Fixes bug where read contention errors were being reported as

  Cloud Firestore
      ▪ Added gcloud beta firestore indexes which provides index management
        capability for Cloud Firestore.

  Cloud Firestore Emulator
      ▪ Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.2
        ◆ Add support for Java 10 and Java 11 runtimes
        ◆ Enable IPv6 support by default
      ▪ Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.3
        ◆ Fixed bug when setting more than one server timestamp in a commit
        ◆ Fixed bug regarding array ordering during writing/reading
        ◆ Fixed bug when using query cursors containing document names
        ◆ Added the ability to produce rule-coverage reports
        ◆ Exposed the v1 service definition

  Cloud Storage
      ▪ Updated gsutil component to 4.35

  Cloud Tasks
      ▪ Use full list of App Engine's supported regions for Cloud Tasks.

  Compute Engine
      ▪ Promoted --tunnel-through-iap flag of gcloud compute ssh and gcloud
        compute scp to beta.
      ▪ Deprecated --http-health-check and --https-health-check flags in
        gcloud beta compute instance-groups managed create. Use --health-check
        flag instead.
      ▪ Promoted 'gcloud compute interconnects get-diagnostics' to GA.
      ▪ Promoted --enable-logging flag of gcloud compute firewall-rules
        <create|update> to GA.

  Firebase Test Lab
      ▪ Added support for Android App Bundles to the --app flag in gcloud
        firebase test android run commands.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

228.0.0 (2018-12-11)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ **(Cloud Endpoints)** Deprecated --full flag of gcloud endpoints
        operations describe. All described operations are now printed without
        redacting any content.

  App Engine
      ▪ Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.70. Please visit the following
        release notes for details:

  Cloud Composer
      ▪ Promoted --python-version flag of gcloud composer environments create
        to GA. This flag can be used to specify the Python version used within
        a created environment.

  Cloud DNS
      ▪ Added the gcloud beta dns policies command group.

  Compute Engine
      ▪ Added --use-serving-port flag to gcloud beta compute health-checks
      ▪ Added --container-mount-disk flag to gcloud beta compute
        instance-templates create-with-container.
      ▪ Promoted gcloud compute security-policies and gcloud compute
        security-policies rules to GA.
      ▪ Promoted --security-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services
        update to GA.
      ▪ Added --no-guest-environment flag to gcloud beta compute images
        import which prevents Google Guest Agent from being installed on the
      ▪ Added --network and --subnet flags to gcloud beta compute images
      ▪ Added --subnet flag to gcloud beta compute images export.
      ▪ Fixed gcloud beta compute images import to use gcloud command line
        tool config for zone flag in addition to --zone command line flag.
      ▪ Modified gcloud beta compute images <import|export> to use temporary
        bucket in the same region as source/destination buckets to avoid
        cross-region copying and its associated cost and performance penalty.
      ▪ Added --prefix-length, --purpose and --network flags to GA for gcloud
        compute addresses create to support reserving IP range from virtual
        network for peering.
      ▪ Added the gcloud beta compute start-iap-tunnel command for Cloud IAP
        TCP Forwarding which creates a TCP tunnel to an instance without
        requiring an external IP and with access granted using Cloud IAP.

  Kubernetes Engine
      ▪ Promoted Vertical Pod Autoscaling to beta. Use
        --enable-vertical-pod-autoscaling with gcloud beta container clusters
        create or gcloud beta container clusters update to enable this feature.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

227.0.0 (2018-12-04)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ **(Cloud Datastore)** gcloud datastore <create|cleanup>-indexes is
        removed. Please use gcloud datastore indexes <create|cleanup> instead.
        for additional details.
      ▪ **(Cloud IoT)** Removed deprecated -event-pubsub-topic and
        --pubsub-topic flags from gcloud iot registries create|update
      ▪ **(Container Builder)** Removed gcloud container builds command
        group. Use gcloud builds instead.

  Cloud SDK
      ▪ Invalid commands (wrongly ordered, partial) now prompt more robust
        suggestions of valid commands instead of the regular usage text.

  App Engine
      ▪ Updated the Java SDK to version 1.9.69. Please visit the following
        release notes for details:

  Cloud Bigtable
      ▪ Added support for arbitrary bytes in regex filters.
      ▪ Added support for row_sample_filter.
      ▪ Added support for apply_label_transformer.

  Cloud DNS
      ▪ Added the --forwarding-targets flag to gcloud beta dns managed-zones

  Cloud Dataproc
      ▪ Added gcloud beta dataproc jobs submit sparkr to enable submitting
        SparkR jobs to a Dataproc cluster.
      ▪ Promoted --num-preemptible-worker-local-ssds flag of gcloud dataproc
        clusters create to GA

  Cloud Functions
      ▪ Promoted --service-account flag of gcloud functions deploy to beta.
      ▪ Promoted the following environment variable flags of gcloud functions
        deploy to GA:
        ◆ --set-env-vars
        ◆ --update-env-vars
        ◆ --remove-env-vars
        ◆ --clear-env-vars
        ◆ --env-vars-file

  Cloud IoT
      ▪ Promoted gcloud iot devices commands send command group to GA.
      ▪ Promoted --log-level flag of gcloud iot <devices|registries> to GA.
      ▪ Promoted gcloud iot devices gateways command group to beta.

  Cloud PubSub
      ▪ Added support for defining an expiration period for a subscription to
        gcloud beta pubsub subscriptions.

  Cloud Spanner
      ▪ Promoted gcloud spanner rows to GA.

  Compute Engine
      ▪ Added --use-serving-port flag to gcloud beta compute health-checks
      ▪ Added --container-mount-disk flag to gcloud beta compute
        instance-templates create-with-container.
      ▪ Promoted gcloud compute security-policies and gcloud compute
        security-policies rules to GA.
      ▪ Promoted --security-policy flag of gcloud compute backend-services
        update to GA.

  Kubernetes Engine
      ▪ Promoted resource usage export to beta. Use
        --resource-usage-bigquery-dataset with gcloud beta container clusters
        create or gcloud beta container clusters update to enable this feature.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

226.0.0 (2018-11-20)
  Breaking Changes
      ▪ **(Cloud Spanner)** Updated --data flag of gcloud beta spanner rows
        to reject array values. --flags-file should be used to specify an array

  App Engine
      ▪ Added command group gcloud beta app migrate-config for migrating
        datastore-indexes.xml, cron.xml, queue.xml and dispatch.xml to their
        yaml counterparts.

      ▪ Fixed a bug in the update table command.

  Cloud Endpoints
      ▪ Modified gcloud endpoints such that it no longer attempts to enable
        either the Endpoints meta-service or the produced service during the
        service deployment process, except if the produced service was created
        for the first time during the deployment.

  Cloud Firestore Emulator
      ▪ Release Cloud Firestore Emulator version 1.2.1
        ◆ This is the first beta release of the emulator.

  Cloud Scheduler
      ▪ Fixed bug in gcloud beta scheduler jobs create pubsub that caused the
        message body to be base-64 encoded twice.

  Deployment Manager
      ▪ Fixed a bug to match operation timeout and service timeout; both are
        now set at 2 hours.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

Do you want to continue (Y/n)? 
  • Yを入力してEnter
╠═ Creating update staging area                             ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: BigQuery Command Line Tool                 ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud Datastore Emulator                   ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries                   ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool            ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: gcloud app Java Extensions                 ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: gcloud app Python Extensions               ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: gcloud cli dependencies                    ═╣
╠═ Installing: BigQuery Command Line Tool                   ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud Datastore Emulator                     ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries                     ═╣
╠═ Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool              ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud app Java Extensions                   ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud app Python Extensions                 ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud cli dependencies                      ═╣
╠═ Creating backup and activating new installation          ═╣

Performing post processing steps...done.                                                                                                                                           

Update done!

To revert your SDK to the previously installed version, you may run:
  $ gcloud components update --version 225.0.0